Anyway, here is one from a few days ago, the sky was a really beautiful colour in between the rain down pours! It is always so difficult to capture that colour with a camera! I grabbed the little GF1 and got this shot... I purposely underexposed by about 2 stops what the camera was telling me was the "correct exposure" so I could retain the detail in those threatening clouds....I really loved the way the clouds were back lit by the setting sun giving them that pinky orange glow...the sky changes so quickly under these conditions and if you don't get the exposure right in time, the moment that caught the eye has simply passed away.
I think most people now are understanding my love of the sky as the BEST background for any shot. In fact, lots of our couples on their wedding day or on their pre wedding shoot will say "Ian, the sky looks amazing, you love that don't you?"
This is why we believe totally that learning to see a photograph and having a vision for what you want to achieve is far more important than the gear you have. One photographer I follow, David DuChemin says "gear is good, vision is better". We agree! Check out his work and his blog especially, he is an inspiring guy. This is also a plug for our upcoming photo walk training morning which i have just blogged about in the post before this one.....
Generally, the sky looks awesome, you just have to able to capture with the camera what you can see with your eye and also what you feel when you see. This is not easy and what makes photography such a're always chasing that elusive "perfect" shot. We all know it doesn't exist, but let's not stop trying!!
Panasonic GF1, Manual mode, 1/400th f 1.7, ISO 100
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