Delighted to say that our first photo walk training workshop will take place this Saturday and all the places are taken!
It promises to be a great time, learning from and inspiring each other to make better photographs and get more from our cameras.
We hope this will be the first of many of theseworkshops. Other topics we have thought could be good to look at are:
- workflow
- post production
- Photoshop techniques
- importing, organising and cataloging your images
- lighting techniques,
- on and off camera flash.
As well as looking at the more technical side of photography, we will also be talking about creativity and the creative process, staying inspired and staying creative. So, easy then, right?!
It's worth mentioning that you don't need a fancy expensive camera. Although I wil bring a pro DSLR along for everyone to have a play with, I will be using a Panasonic point and shoot style camera and my iPhone. We really want to emphasise that primarily, photography is about vision rather than gear.
We will discuss cameras and settings and what the buttons do as well so we can explore our creativity further, hopefully producing more satisfying results. We want to also make the point that getting the shot right in camera is far better than trying to fix it in post production.
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